Since it was founded in 1975 by Dr. Léon Cariel, a dermatologist specialized in aesthetic medicine, LIERAC Laboratories’ has made innovation a part of its DNA, continually striving to adapt major advances from the fields of aesthetic medicine and science to dermo-cosmetics. The objective has always been a simple one: create treatments customized to meet specific skincare needs. Signs of aging, skin burnout, stretch marks, menopause… for every skincare issue, LIERAC has a solution.
Building on its medical background, LIERAC Paris Laboratories relies on the latest medical discoveries. Within LIERAC’s laboratories, experts have adopted an open-source approach, creating a multi-disciplinary Research & Development committee. Experts in the fields of regenerative medicine, tissue healing and mesotherapy have put their heads together in order to create the most effective skincare treatments possible.
Avec la dermocosmétique de pointe, les Laboratoires LIERAC Paris inventent la beauté de demain. En formulant des soins toujours plus performants, la marque repousse les limites de l’âge et libère les femmes de la pression de la jeunesse. Elles peuvent construire leur vie avec optimisme et sans complexe, assurées que leur apparence physique et leur visage reflètent toujours leur énergie intérieure et leur personnalité.
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